On this page certain subjects are expanded upon

Offset fingering

The flute on the right is right hand offset: the right hand is placed toward the foot of the flute while the left hand is toward the nest end.

The flute on the left is left hand offset: the left hand is placed toward the foot and the right hand is at the nest end.

Centre hole placement is simply the holes in a straight line, the way it’s been done for millennia.

There is no additional charge for offset fingering.

Offset fingering is available for all keys and models except for:

  • the highest register: ( high E, F, G )

  • the Tideline model in the mid-range sizes—because the design is incompatible,

  • and the Arrowhead in all registers, because it is aesthetically incompatible.

The image below shows the keys we offer

For ease they are separated into three registers. (Not all models are available in the highest register due to build limitations.)

Fingering for the 5 hole Sakura pentatonic scale

It’s quite straightforward except for the top two tones which are cross-fingered. This wee video demonstrates the scale itself with the fingering. (Other tones are available, please experiment).

Fingering for the 5 hole Dream Flute

This is a simple as it can be: Start with all holes covered - this is the lowest (root) note. Now release one hole at a time working upwards until all holes are uncovered. You’ve just played the minor pentatonic scale. Beginners can now focus on accuracy and having fun. Also find the hidden notes by experimenting with cross-fingerings.

But basically, just get into it and have a blast.