Roger Livingstone Roger Livingstone

Soul Flute

Deep. Soulful. Expressive. Long tones: For many these are the signature qualities of the Native American style flute.

When I got hold of an excellent cache of black walnut recently, I realised it was an excellent tonewood for a deep and warm instrument.

To enhance resonance I built a 18/32” slow air chamber. That’s a magnitude greater than the usual 3/8” diameter. For swank, and also to disguise the necessary cuts around the slow air chamber, I went with three brass bands. The bright, bold metal contrasts wonderfully with the dark wood - the wood is plenty dark, it’s been ebonised.

This individual is the first of its kind built and is in Eb. This model will be available in the lowest keys only, from D to F.

As a maker, I’m pleased. And as a player, I like it. I like it a lot.

Thanks for checking it out.

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